This Girl,This Woman
(The Launch of This Girl, This Woman was supported BY ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND and a successful Crowdfunding campaign.)
There are two strands running through this album. One is that it was written during a very reflective time in my life and so the songs are inspired by my own reflections upon life and love drawing on my own personal experiences as well as my sometimes vivid imagination.
The other is the influence of 1960’s music. I was a child in the 60’s and that era has always fascinated and inspired me. Music, culture, design, sport. My favourite singer of all time without doubt is Dusty. My favourite tv series is without doubt the “original” Avengers!
It was a sassy, sophisticated, clever and, cool decade. In making the album, it became apparent very early on that we wanted to share that retro feeling, with in some cases some quite obvious references. This work is inspired by that time, and the 60’s are reflected throughout all aspects of it- musically, lyrically and visually.
The storybook insert with the CD is a key feature me telling my own personal story. Along with lyrics and the stories behind the songs.
This Girl, This Woman - Lyrics
““One of the things I like best about the album is the variety of moods that it reflects, from upbeat and dance-worthy to langourous. There’s something there to suit every mood. And that means that, every time I listen to the album I find a new favourite. I thought I’d settled on Soaking but when I heard your set at the soiree, I jumped ship for Forever My Love.””